Tuesday, September 11, 2018


Many evenings like tonite
Mild and warmly cool
I like to sit outside and
Feel the outside air. The
Cool settling in, the crickets going to sleep oh so slowly.
Mosquitos remind me I'm not in charge. These ones are so tiny!
Some kind of love from somewhere I cannot delve
Carries me forward, allows
This moment, this respite,
This time to write my soul
Mates and tell them it's okay, that I'm okay, that they too are okay
Regardless of the cycling swirl
And daily creaks and moans.
I did 100 sit-ups today, a marvel, something I never conceived possible let alone desirable
[That part is still debatable.]
Gratefulness has not generally been part of my ever child lexicon
Except in moments of music driven elation and dance.
In between,
These oft lost moments of reflection now count for more, as I listen closer, want to dance more and hear
The relentless creaks' advance. So there it is.
I am grateful for the lone goose
Now flying overhead (no lie!)
Squawking for its flock no doubt; for Mark Knopfler and Emmy Lou Harris orchestrating this scene; for a steady beat and easy breath, as the crickets fade away
Oh so slowly.

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